Hey there, Welcome to My Page!

Well, not too much to this page, huh?

Nope, not really. But, I tell ya what, you can visit The Carmen Sandiego Sound Gallery for some great .wav files from "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?"

My Snazzy List of Links

The Sandiego Manor
Carmen Sandiego's Home on the Internet!
The Save Carmen Sandiego Petition!
Miss the animated Carmen Sandiego? Please sign and let everyone know that the cartoon should return to TV!
The Freakalair
It's Freakazoid's Hideout- a really cool page!
The D.EX.T.E.R., aka, the Save Freakazoid Page
A site dedicated to trying to keep F! on the air

Man,   why   are   my   fave   'toons   fighting   to   stay   on   the   air???

It's not fair, but it's true. Wah!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm done crying for now...

Wow, people actually have visited this page!